For more than 20 years I have been making wine, beer, and mead for friends and family as a hobby. During that time, I have developed several recipes for delicious substitutes for classic varieties of wines, from light and effervescent whites to deep and earthy reds. In addition to the honey from our own apiary, these recipes often incorporate grapes, fruit, and herbs from our farm to create their unique flavor profiles that showcase the rugged, natural beauty of our valley. Why all these ingredients instead of just grapes? When I first moved back to the farm in 2010 I wanted to make a wine that really tasted like this place, so over my first two years back in Browntown I payed careful attention to what was growing really well here, and harvested what I could from what was growing wild on the edges of our fields and forests. THAT wine tasted like every good thing about this place, and that’s something worth sharing.
The Manor Line Brewing Company was founded in 2012, and Manor Line Wine will start production and sales to the public in the near future. These are long term, slow moving projects, so check back for updates.